Are peonies toxic to pets?
Before we start this topic here’s the most important point… KNOW YOUR ANIMAL! Some animals love to chew plants and just about everything, other’s don’t touch them!
When it comes to plants there’s a spectrum of how toxic or non-toxic a plant can be.
The short answer is yes, peonies are considered toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
Peonies contain a chemical compound called paeonol that can cause gastorintestinal upset in pets when ingested in large amounts. Paeonol is found througout the entire plant but is most concentrated in the roots.
On the contrary, peonies are considered non-toxic to humans, altough some skin irritation or gastrointestinal upset may occur of large doses are ingested.
Chinese culture and many herbalists around the world have used peonies for medicinal qualities for centuries. That’s a whole other topic for another time!