Growing Instructions
Planting Instructions for Your Bare Root Peonies
We go above and beyond to ensure your roots are delivered in perfect time for planting, typically late September and throughout October. Holding the roots for any length of time before planting defeats the purpose of receiving fresh dug roots that are ready to start growing a new root system and building a strong plant.
Selecting a Planting Site
Select a well drained site with a rich well aerated soil which receives sun for most of the day.
At least 10 hours is best for stronger stems. More sunlight is better! If you don't have 10 hours of sun you can expect fewer or no flowers.
Preparing the Soil
For sandy soil, add peat moss at a rate of one part peat moss for every 3 parts of soil if you are growing peonies to improve root growth and extend flower life and increase the total number of flowers on the plants.
If you have clay soils the addition of 1 part peat moss to every 3 parts of clay soil will improve aeration of the soil and increase the height of the soil slightly making a mound and providing better drainage. Raised beds with a depth of 12-18" of additional well drained soil is recommended for the hybrids and species that will die in soggy soils before you can blink an eye.
Avoid Wet Locations!
Never plant in a low spot where water will stand as this will kill your peony. They have no tolerance for wet soils! Never use a plastic mulch which suffocates the plant roots. Stone mulches are not recommended. Landscape fabric is not recommended for peonies.
Although not required, you may use bone meal or a bulb fertilizer at the time of planting according to the instructions on the container being sure to avoid letting the fertilizer touch the roots directly.
MIX the fertilizer evenly with the back fill soil. Never just put a scoop in the hole - it can kill the plant!
Prepare the Root for Planting
Soak the root for 20 - 30 minutes in water prior to planting to rehydrate the root which loses some moisture during shipping.
Dig a Proper Planting Hole
Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without bending them. Set the root in the hole so that the dormant buds(eyes)will be 1-2” below the ground when the soil is gently but firmly filled in around the root. There should be nothing above the soil if you have positioned the root properly.
For those in zone 8 a shallower depth of 1/2 - 1” below the soil surface is recommended to ensure proper cold exposure in the winter months.
We do not ever recommend growing peonies in pots.
Appropriate Growing Zones
Peonies are cold loving perennials and best adapted to cold northern growing regions of the world where there is at least 6 weeks of below freezing temperatures. Good indicator plants include apples grown for their edible fruit and tulips which also require cold temperatures. If you can not grow either of these plants you are not likely to succeed with peonies.
Peonies are best planted in the fall.
Peonies are grown successfully in USDA Growing Zones 3 - 8 for garden peonies and zones 4 - 8 for tree peonies. Success has been possible in USDA Growing Zone 8b when the eyes are planted at nearly ground level with soil just covering the dormant bud.
For zone 8b we also recommend that you place the peony where it is in a bright filtered sunshine during the hottest part of the day. Direct sun is too hot especially southern and western exposures. Select Japanese, single and semi-double forms and those doubles that are listed as having a week 1-5 bloom date rating. Some gardeners have reported good success growing the hybrid peonies which have parents from slightly warmer climates in their background. These will go completely dormant late summer.
For all zones, pay very good attention to watering in the fall which is when the new roots and flower buds are formed, and again during growth and flowering in the spring. If the roots are not evenly moist in the fall you can expect very little growth and possibly no flowers the following year.
The first two years are critical for establishment of this plant which is known to live for centuries! Death during hot summers is more likely than death over winter unless the soil is not watered properly in the fall and winter. Late flowering (Week 6 and Week 7 Bloom Date Rating) peonies do not bloom dependably or not at all in zone 8B so save yourself the heartache and select earlier flowering varieties from Week 1-5. Bloom week is listed in the variety description or you can also use the “Shop by bloom season” feature and select extra early or early.
We do not recommend growing peonies in zones 9 and 10 which are too hot for successful peony growing.
Watering is Critical
It is suggested that you water as you fill with the soil so that there are no dry pockets of soil as the peony will be growing the majority of it's new roots in the fall.
If it is dry for an extended period of time be sure and water the area to avoid drying out completely. This may mean getting the hose out after the first few frosts in the fall especially on sandy soil. The last thing you should do after the Thanksgiving pie is eaten is go out and check to make sure the soil where you planted your peony root is not dry in the rooting zone.
Remember peonies are large plants and each plant should be spaced about 36” away from it’s neighboring plant. This spacing also ensures that the neighboring plants do not shade the peony. If the peonies receive less than 8 hours of sun they do not make particularly nice foliage plants and should not be expected to bloom.
Avoid Competition from Tree and Shrub Roots
Be sure to avoid locations where competing tree and shrub roots will rob the plant of moisture and nutrients.
Winter Mulch the First Year Only and Remove Very Early in the Spring
In areas with clay soils prone to plant heaving from freeze and thaw cycles in the spring this is a most critical step since our recent winters with little snow cover has made this problem more prevalent. This is the only year you will need to mulch your peony in the fall after the ground has frozen.
The mulch should be removed on April 1st or after the snow has melted the following spring or as soon as ground thawing is noted as peonies begin growth very early in the spring. For zones 7-8 that may be the first few days in March.
Those left covered too long may suffer rot damage from a soggy mulch. The plants are more cold tolerant than they are soggy wet conditions tolerant.