Does your zodiac sign align with peonies?

Certain personality traits are associated with the different zodiac signs. As a Leo I’m known to be stubborn, confident, generous, loyal and protective. (Leo’s are also known for being egotistical and self-centered but I’ll just fail to mention those!)

There are three zodiac signs specifically tied to peonies for a whole variety of reasons. Those three are Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio.

Taurus (Born April 20 - May 20)

  • Taurus crave safety, strength and gentleness, which are all symbols traditionally associated with peonies.

  • The many layers of a peony represent the comfortable but fancy lifestyle of Tauruses.

  • More than any other trait, taurus (the bull) are known to be stubborn, just like peonies that come back reliably year after year.

Libra (Born September 23 - October 22)

  • Love, balance and grace can all be used to describe both peonies and people born under the Libra sign.

  • Libras are passionate and powerful, which matches well to peony symbolism of wealth, good-fortune and pleasure.

Scorpio (Born October 23 - November 21)

  • Peonies and people born under the Scorpio sign are both known for romance and power.

  • Red peonies especially match well with their bold, rich color that equals the intense personalities of Scorpios.

  • Scorpios are also known for having fierce potential, which pairs with the good fortune and prosperity symbols of a peony.

What do you think? Do these descriptions match the Taurses, Libras and Scorpios in your life?

Mira, our youngest is a Scorpio and she is definitely the most intense of our daughters. In a good way, Mira is always up for a party and she’s 100% from the moment she wakes up until the moment her eyes finally give in to sleep at night.

You might make the case that a peony takes on the symbolism of any of the zodiac signs. I wouldn’t argue with you!


The Timing of Peony Bloom Across the Country


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