June 5, 2025
Travel from the Twin Cities on a luxury motorcoach with Bobby to Hidden Springs Peony Farm in Spring Grove, MN.
There, you’ll spend time chatting all things peonies and farm life with Laura and Bobby. Have lunch among the flower fields and of course browse the garden center for the perfect peony before heading back to the cities. You’ll be back in time for dinner.
Tickets are non-refundable. The food and bus are reserved with you in mind! If you are unable to make the trip for any reason, you may give your tickets to a friend. Please also reach out to Laura (Laura@HiddenSpringsPeonyFarm.com) and if there is a waitlist for folks wanting to come on the trip, we will refund your tickets and give that spot to someone waiting to hop on the bus.
Pickup location for the bus will be determined by the bus company shortly and we will notify all customers of that location well in advance of the event.
$99 per person
Transportation to and from the Twin Cities
Farm chat and tour with Laura
Access to the peony fields for browsing, picking, shopping, smelling or picture-taking
Charcuterie Box lunch and non-alcoholic drink of choice
$10 coupon for anything at Hidden Springs Peony Farm shop
Chat time with Bobby about all things gardening. Ask him anything!
Schedule - June 5, 2025
7:30-8:00am Board the bus (Convenient metro location to be determined by the bus company.)
8:00am Hit the road!
11:00am Arrive at the Peony Farm
11:15am Farm Chat with Laura
12 Noon Lunch, followed by browsing and shopping time
2:00pm Bus leaves the farm
5:00pm Arrive back to the Twin Cities
Further details with instructions on bus lot parking will be sent prior to the event.
Non-alcoholic drink of choice is included but you are welcome to bring your own bottle of wine to enjoy on the farm.
Please arrive at the bus at least 15 minutes prior to the 8:00am departure time. We cannot wait for late arrivals. The bus will leave promptly on time.
The drive from the Twin Cities to Hidden Springs Peony Farm is approximately 3 hours. The bus will not make any stops along the way. There is a bathroom on the bus.
Dress for the weather. Closed toed shoes are recommended.
The bus has plenty of storage underneath to take home any plants you wish to purchase.