Companion plants for peonies

We think peonies are still a pretty good-looking plant even after bloom season is over. The dark green, lush foliage stays looking nice (as long as fungus or disease hasn’t settled in) all the way up until a frost.

Co-planting some of our favorite summer-blooming perennials with your peonies will keep that garden space looking ship shape all season long.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but these perennials enjoy the same growing conditions as peonies and can thrive together quite nicely.

  • Anise Hyssop

  • Cone Flowers

  • Rudebeckia (I love Brown-Eyed Susans the most!)

  • Bee Balm

  • Blazing Star

  • Allium

  • Lavender

  • Hydrangeas

  • Clematis

  • Delphinium

  • Hostas (Choose sun-tolerant varieties)

  • Masterwort

  • Marshmallow

  • Hollyhocks

  • Sunflowers

  • Roses

And if you want to add more spring interest, here’s some of our favorite spring bloomers that pair well with peonies. Blooming together makes for a spectacular display.

  • Bleeding Heart

  • Spring-blooming Allium

  • Iris

  • Columbine

  • Foxglove

  • Baptisia

  • Virginia Anemone

  • Spring-blooming Clematis

  • Wild Lupine

  • Virginia Bluebells

Which combinations have you discovered for your peonies? Please share them!


Why fall is the best time to plant peonies


All about Itoh and Intersectional peonies