Why fall is the best time to plant peonies

We start to dig our peony roots for shipping usually in late Spetember or early October, depending on the weather. THen we send them off to you ASAP!

When you get the roots and plant them in the ground magic happens.

Cooler fall temepratures signal to the plant to begin to develop new small roots. Nearly all root growth is done in the fall season. These smaller roots will grow and develop all the way until the ground freezes solid. Come spring, they will help your new peony transport water and nutrients to make for a healthy plant that can perhaps bloom and certainly withstand the incoming summer heat.

When bare root peonies are planted in spring, they immediately have to begin producing stems, leaves, and sometimes flowers. This leads to a lot more stress for the root, that hasn’t had any time to settle in and develop those tiny roots just yet for a support system.


How a peony can become a family heirloom


Companion plants for peonies