The do’s and don’ts of mulching peonies
I’m a big fan of using mulch for plants in general, and specifically a natural wood mulch. No dyes. But there are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to mulching peonies.
Do apply mulch around the peony plant to reduce weeds and maintain moisture.
Don’t apply mulch over the top of the plant or between the stems. (See special note below)
Do mulch your peony root in fall for the first winter after its planted to prevent frost heaving.
Don’t mulch your peony in winters seasons after the first one.
Do check on your peony in early spring and remove any mulch that is covering the plant.
Special Note: For areas with very hot and dry summers, some mulch between the peony stems may be helpful for keeping the soil moist and cool. But be very sure to remove that mulch before winter so you peony can get the proper cold exposure to develop flowers for the following year.
Other than wood mulch, straw, pine needles or shredded leaves also work wonderfully as natural mulch.