When and how to fertilize peonies
Have you ever solicited some garden advice from thespruce.com? I think we all raise our hand there.
So I was excited and honored when a write for The Spruce reached out this past week for some information on when and how to fertilize peonies.
It’s a topical and relevant subject right now, so I’m jumping off that for this week’s email. Here’s when and how to fertilize peonies.
Rule number one is not to fertilize peonies as a rule without a reason to do so. Generally, peonies do not need to be fertilized. But if yours isn’t growing as well as it used to or appears to be struggling, then yes, fertilizing can be an option.
A light application of fertilizer in the spring is okay and can be helpful but it’s not the best season for feeding peonies.
The best time to feed peonies is after the petals fall in summer. Fertilize once in the middle of summer and again late in the summer season. It’s easy to remember to fertilize on 4th of July and Labor Day.
Use a bulb fertilizer. I like Espoma, but there are many other great brands to choose from. Alternatively, bone meal is a typical component of bulb fertilizers that you can use if you happen to have it on hand. I’m always a fan of using what you have before buying new. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers like manure, which can lead to growth that is susceptible to disease.
Fertilize around, not over the peony plant. The fertilizer should not be applied amongst the stems of the peony. It should be applied in the dripline region.
Sandy soils will require fertilization more so than loam or clay.
Feeding the peonies in summer and fall is prime time because it’s when the plants stop focusing on making flowers, and start focusing on building new, bigger and better roots. Strong, healthy roots make for a strong healthy plant.
But again, use fertilizer if your plant needs it, not just because. Full sun and adequate water go a long way toward the health of a peony and should be addressed before fertilizing.