Sharing our knowledge of best practices when it comes to planting, growing, and maintaining peonies – among other plants and herbs – is something we’re incredibly passionate about.

When you succeed, we succeed. Below, we’ve compiled blogs on topics addressing common questions from our customers.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please give us a call or submit a request here and we’ll get right back to you. We may even use your question as the inspiration for our next blog!

When and how to trim back your peonies
Laura Kubes Laura Kubes

When and how to trim back your peonies

The secret to knowing when to cut back your peonies comes to looking at the leaves. They will tell you when it’s time!

This picture above is a perfect example of a frosty peony plant with leaves that are signaling it’s time to be cut back.

You don’t want to cut back your peonies too early if you can avoid it.

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What is a peony “eye”?
Laura Kubes Laura Kubes

What is a peony “eye”?

Whether you’re buying a 3 to 5 eye peony root or planting those eyes 1” to 2” below the soil level, it’s probably a good idea to know what we mean by “eyes.”

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How a peony can become a family heirloom
Laura Kubes Laura Kubes

How a peony can become a family heirloom

Many of us have memories of Grandma’s peonies. The lucky ones have more than memories, they have those very same plants growing in a new location and still fabulous.

I’m one of those lucky ones that has Grandma’s peonies. In fact, they are Great Grandma’s!

With the ability to live for a century or more, peonies are certainly worthy of being called a family heirloom.

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Why fall is the best time to plant peonies
Laura Kubes Laura Kubes

Why fall is the best time to plant peonies

We start to dig our peony roots for shipping usually in late Spetember or early October, depending on the weather. THen we send them off to you ASAP!

When you get the roots and plant them in the ground magic happens.

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Companion plants for peonies
Laura Kubes Laura Kubes

Companion plants for peonies

We think peonies are still a pretty good-looking plant even after bloom season is over. The dark green, lush foliage stays looking nice (as long as fungus or disease hasn’t settled in) all the way up until a frost.

Co-planting some of our favorite summer-blooming perennials with your peonies will keep that garden space looking ship shape all season long.

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